Sunday, 23 March 2008

We visited the NGO Córdoba Acoge

Last 6th of March we visited the NGO Córdoba Acoge.
They explained how they work to help immigrants with a presentation, we saw the place where they offer courses on Spanish and other prelaboral formation, the offices where they receive and work for immigrants. They even offered us some refreshments.
They are great people! Thank you very much.
We divided the class into eight teams named after a migrating bird. We were: the storks, the herons, the ducks, the swallows, the eagles, the penguins, the flamingos and the pigeons. Each team asked different questions to Córdoba Acoge's staff. Four of our mothers came with us.
We also vivited the Ceramics class at our school. There are some Arab immigrants in that class that are learning the job of potter. These teenagers came to Spain on their own, leaving their families in Africa. You can see a picture of us when we went there.

Now we are finishing our reports on the project.
This is the NGO's web:

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